The 'Dog-tor' is in, prescribing smiles to patients and staff at Ottumwa Regional
June 17, 2024

OTTUMWA, Iowa — Ottumwa Regional Health Center's newest hire may be their most in-demand staff member.
"Dog-tor" Tucker specializes in prescribing smiles and healing hearts.
He only works on Fridays and prefers to be paid with head scratches or treats.
“He is a bona fide member of our staff and his only job is to brighten the day of our patients. And so we're thrilled to have him be a part of our team," said ORHC CEO William Kiefer. "He's gone through all the appropriate training and has all of the appropriate shot records and so it's perfectly safe."
Director of the hospital's Med Surge Department, Haley Waechter says she was inspired to get Tucker trained and certified after interacting with patients on the floor.
Waechter explained, “There’s been a lot of times where patients just say, you know, the care has been great, but I just want to get home and see my dog. So, unfortunately, we can't always, you know, discharge them right away. So, I just got the idea of starting a therapy dog program here at Ottumwa Regional.”
Waechter says it has been fulfilling to see how Tucker connects with patients and staff.
She says it’s clear he enjoys being a companion to people.
“He loves the patients and the families. He, it's like he just knows it's his job when he comes in here, you know, he just wants to greet everyone," Waechter told KTVO. " Sometimes I think he wants to go home with the patients instead of me."
KTVO made the rounds with Dog-tor Tucker and Nurse Waechter.
The first patient we visited was 11-year-old Raelin Wiley before she went into surgery.
She said she was nervous but seeing Tucker made her happy.
Tucker also provided some anxiety relief to dad.
Waechter says that she would like Tucker to keep seeing patients at Ottumwa Regional, and hopefully, expand to schools and nursing homes.
“Just really growing where we can be and providing that comfort to, you know, patients and residents," said Waechter.